
"nothing personal"

Monthly Archives: February 2013

sharaff: RT @TwitterForNews: Pope Benedict XVI sends his last Tweet: https://t.co/WX6I4fTcLG

sharaff: Of the MRF 1600M issued as loans, from BML MRF 1034 million is issued to @Thasmeen Leader of DRP & to his family biz. http://t.co/qJvAK4f5hL

sharaff: @sobarto2009 arigato neh soba saan. I call later neh :)

sharaff: @sobarto2009 watashi wa maarey desu

sharaff: Did you know @Thasmeen’s total debt is enough money to feed the whole population of Maldives for continuous 3 months & 8 days. #mvfacts

sharaff: “@kudaissey: If the opposition thinks that freedom is only the flag @ jumhooree, than hoist a 80×80 . Nothing will change.” FASFAHETHI

sharaff: “@lemonlime222: @AhmedMahloof ehenviyya atheh fayeh bindhaalamaa. Hamaya usoolu PPM ge .” 😱😱😱😱

sharaff: @jinahadam kinky judges who have no idea

sharaff: @BeingDalit haha

sharaff: RT @jinahadam: Child abuse will never be a serious crime in Maldives too many people are pro child abuse. No not politicians, citizens.!!